The Future

Automated Deep Fake Influencer Advertising

Experts in our industry & automation, we are always on the lookout to the future innovations and latest trends of UGC and digital marketing.

The world around us is becoming more and more lead with AI & automation, so much so that AI lead influencer channels are starting to lead the way generating millions of mass followings. 

What does all
this even mean?

A deep fake influencer is a social account, or accounts, of people that don’t actually exist, utilising auto generated scenes of real life scenarios. These accounts look so real, you can’t actually tell the difference between a normal account, unless it’s disclosed.

Lower CPA & Much Higher Returns

Due to the extremely low operational costs of the management of these influencer accounts, the cost to publish on one is a lot lower than hiring somebody that spends a lot of money all day every day. 

Here are some examples

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deep fakes?

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